Banana brown rice porridge

17 Feb

This is a breakfast inspired by Finland – and the fact that Woman had half a cup of leftover cooked brown rice. And the weather. Inspiration, in fact, was abundant.

The Finns are porridge fiends, but they don’t limit themselves to oats, oh no. Rye, barley, wheat – it’s all on in Finland, my friends, it’s on like Donkey Kong. Normally in Finland you’d have your porridge with a soppa (a cordial-like berry juice), or sprinkled with brown sugar or potentially even melted butter.

This healthier version uses bananas instead of sweetening and brown rice, which gives the porridge a lovely chewiness. Porridge.  There, just thought I’d say the word again. Even the sound of it is filling.

Banana brown rice porridge (per person)

  • 1/2 C cooked short grain brown rice
  • 1 C (or a bit more) soy milk (use cow if you wish)
  • 1 banana

Put brown rice and soy milk (I used unsweetened) into small bowl and bring milk to boil. Lower heat and cook for another 10 minutes or until milk is absorbed.

Add half the banana, chopped, to the porridge mix, an extra splash of soy milk and cook for another 3 – 5 minutes, or until that milk is absorbed and bananas have become hot and mushy.

Serve topped with the rest of the banana, and a further splash of milk.

You could use other fruits in this, but banana is so  just a lump of sugary loveliness and lacks the acidity of a lot of other fruit, so just try it with banana. Just once.

Estimated cost: 70p

Musical accompaniment: Chet Baker

3 Responses to “Banana brown rice porridge”

  1. genkikitty February 17, 2011 at 2:27 pm #

    I make this at home too – only I add cinnamon too for a little more taste. nom nom nom

    • Celina February 17, 2011 at 3:18 pm #

      Let rice porridge reign! Cinnamon with porridge is always a good idea, I totally agree.

  2. Alissa - Not Just Apples November 7, 2011 at 9:58 am #

    Brown rice porridge with almond milk is a new favorite of mine – thanks for the idea of adding banana, it looks beautiful!

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